donpatron te presenta este patron de Lalylala con el que aprenderás a hacer un Crochet Pattern lalylala BIG FISH amigurumi diy paso a paso, de una manera facil y sencilla.
Se trata de un tutorial para hacer un precioso patron de muñecos con explicaciones claras y detalladas y además se acompaña de diversas fotos que te guiarán durante la creación de tu labor.
Si te gustan las muñeco, no dudes en animarte a confeccionarlo ya que está pensado para que lo pueda hacer tanto un principiante como la más avanzada de las alumnas.
Pero si este no era el patron que estabas buscando, no pasa nada, estamos seguros que en donpatron lo encontrarás. Solo tienes que seguir rastreando nuestra web.
No dudamos que lograrás crear un proyecto igual o incluso superar el original. ¡Anímate!
Más patrones de Lalylala
by Lalylala
caballito, amigurumi, ganchillo, animales, animal, sepp, muñeco, niños, juguete, peluche, lalylala
Puede que te interese
lalylala Crochet Pattern (printable PDF file / 23 pages) – Grab your (crochet) hook and lets go fishing! Somewhere beyond the sea, Somewhere waiting for me ... uh-oh! Closer and closer the shark is approaching to the unsuspecting swimmer - slowly but targeted. Almost as if pulled on a thread he's moving upwards, while the background music is harmlessly playing "La Mer" by Charles Trent (aka "Beyond the Sea" by Bobby Darin). This musical toy is for both, little sea life lovers (because of cute baby shark doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo) and also for grown up classical horror fans (because it has JAWS ^^^) Make your own Big Fish music box toy from this easy to follow crochet pattern! The pattern is very carefully written coming with very detailed instructions and a lot of step-by-step photos, tutorials and tips, which makes the pattern suitable for daring crochet beginners and advanced crocheters alike. The digital PDF pattern is available in many different languages (see list below ↓) and can be downloaded immediately after purchase. – The finished toys in the photos were made with the related lalylala Crochet Kit. You can find the set in two color options at my lalylala supplies shop here on Etsy → The music box included in the set is custom-made with an eytra long white pull cord. It plays the well-known "Beyond the Sea" ("La Mer") melody. – S I Z E of the finished toy: fish 17 cm (7 inch), swimmer 5 cm (2 inch) S K I L L Level 2 - suitable for daring beginners C R O C H E T P A T T E R N languages . Danish . Dutch . English (US terms) . French . German . Spanish . Swedish – R E L A T E D Crochet Kit 'Big Fish' → Musical Movement / Music Box 'Beyond the Sea' → coming soon – S E L L I N G O F F I N I S H E D T O Y S The design and pattern are copyright and must not be reproduced for resale! Y O U C A N ' T S E L L finished toys made from this pattern. For your personal use (non-profit) or for charity purposes you are permitted to make as many items from this pattern as you like. © 2 0 2 1 L A L Y L A L A C R O C H E T . L Y D I A T R E S S E L T All rights reserved. No part of this pattern may be published, resold, reproduced (in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, by photocopying, recording or otherwise), shared, translated or altered without prior permission in writing from the author.